Monday, May 17, 2010

It is cold outside...the wind is blowing and the air is frigid...and I'll be headed out here in a bit to go spend some time with a guy at the movies. I've been building a relationship with him over the past several months and look forward to tonight's opportunity to share the Lord with him again. Ironically enough, his name is Jesus.

The past weekend has been good. The Lord gave opportunity to share the Gospel with several people. One man named Rodrigo who works in a t-shirt shop, and then one of the guys who works at the orphanage named Gustavo. Looking forward to more conversations with them. Tomorrow I'll meet with a guy named Ruben (who is the security guard at the sports complex) to begin a Bible study with him. He is interested in learning more about the Bible so we'll meet up and study once a week.

Something about the Gospel that always amazes me is it's simplicity...and yet it's depth. So simple, yet so profound and life-changing.

May I be a faithful bearer of the Good News.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

I think I'm starting to get excited about the jujitsu tournament that is coming up in 2 instructor (Vini) said he wants me to enter and compete. I'm excited...and kinda nervous. I've got soooo much to learn. Guess I'd better keep training hard and get ready for it the best I can.

Busy afternoon and evening today. I'll give an English class then head off to my normal bball practice...after that I will start to train with the other group of guys that make up the top 2 teams we have here in City Bell...I'm looking forward to that and really hope it goes well. Some time on the court during a game would be amazing! Then there is a game I'm going to take a couple young guys too...should be a good time.

Headed to the movies to see Robin Hood next Monday with a guy named Jesus...we have had some good talks about the Lord and I'm looking forward to getting to spend some time with him and share more of the Gospel.

After my run this morning I feel a little more loosened up...I'd better get to finishing all the homework and studying I have to do for the young peoples Bible study and hermaneutics class. Hasta Luego!
