Thursday, April 15, 2010


Cold. It has been cold and raining here in City Bell for the past 3 days. When I am home I have tried to keep my room as warm as possible since the rest of my little house is so cold. My little heater does a decent job of keeping my room warm enough. They tell me that this is just the beginning and that later on in the year things will get really cold.

Last night I went to La Plata to watch the Banco Provincia basketball team play. I took my neighbors kid with me (Emilio, 12 yrs old) and we had a good time. He is a really inquisitive kid. He had a lot of questions about the United States and couldn't understand why we don't play international tournaments in American Football against other countries. I just told him there was no one who had any teams that could compete against us. Anyway, we got to the game a little after it started since we had to get there via bus and taxi in the rain. The game was really exciting! One of our best players got injured 2 minutes into the game and was benched for the rest of the game. Even still we went on and wound up winning by 2 in the last seconds of overtime! Emilio had the time of his life which was great to see. Lord willing we'll go to every game together this season...great opportunity to share the Lord with him and pour into his life the love of Christ. Praying for his salvation

Till HE comes,

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